
Trinity Alumnus Selected for 2015 Forum of Young Global Leaders

In March this year, Matthew Tilleard (TC 2001) was one of 187 individuals selected to join the Young Global Leaders as part of the World Economic Forum.

Young Global Leaders (YGL) are exceptional individuals chosen from areas such as academia, arts and culture, civil society, government, media and not-for-profit organisations who have demonstrated success in improving the state of the world.

The selection of the YGLs is a rigorous process, with the 2015 class being picked from a pool of over 2,000 candidates.

Matthew Tilleard is co-Managing Partner of CrossBoundary, an investment firm focused on Africa and other developing countries. His experience ranges from managing investment facilitation programs in Afghanistan and South Sudan, to working with the  United Nations in East Timor and New York, serving as a policy advisor to an Australian Indigenous leader and working at The Boston Consulting Group in Melbourne.

Matthew believes the wide range of fulfilling work he has done so far, along with the networks and experiences gained in the Trinity community, contributed to his selection for this exciting group.

As part of the YGLs, Matthew will work with other young leaders and attend World Economic Forum events, education modules, other informal events and the annual YGL summit. This opportunity provides its members with a peer network that challenges them to be better leaders and question each other to do more. 

‘I’m driven by the belief that we can end extreme poverty in most of the world in my lifetime. Traditional aid and charity will be an important part of that effort, but my career is focused on how we can use private investment and enterprise to drive economic growth in developing countries,’ Matthew explained.

Matthew, along with the other YGLs, is strongly committed to making a positive change. Being part of the YGLs recognises the accomplishment, dedication and potential of young people in shaping the future of the world.

‘It’s a great opportunity to join a community of people trying to get good things done in the world. I’m excited to become a part of it,’ Matthew said. 

Category: People

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